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Education is where we deliver on the promise of equal opportunity and a brighter future for our children. To deliver on this promise, we must invest in our classrooms, reduce class size and raise teacher pay to ensure that every child in North Carolina receives a world-class education. For nearly a decade, politicians in Raleigh have slashed funding for our local public schools, making it nearly impossible to retain excellent teachers, cutting funding for teaching positions and school supplies, and forcing our kids into larger class sizes. 

Education is the number one predictor of social and economic mobility.  We must ensure North Carolinians have affordable opportunities to obtain higher education, whether that’s a degree from a 4-year institution or a community college. Students willing to work hard to earn a degree, shouldn’t face massive debt after graduation. That’s why we must address all the barriers to success, including food and housing insecurity as well as tuition costs.


Politicians in Raleigh have repeatedly refused billions of dollars to extend healthcare coverage to more than 500,000 North Carolinians through Medicaid expansion. This has cost the state $6 billion and countless jobs.  From her experience at Tammy Lynn Center, Sarah has seen firsthand the important role that this needed coverage plays in providing families the care they need and deserve. Sarah will stand for North Carolinians and fight to protect families from the partisan politics that have denied healthcare coverage to hundreds of thousands.

Protecting a Woman's Access to Healthcare

A woman’s healthcare decisions should be between her and her doctor, not politicians. During my time at the General Assembly I have consistently voted to advance unbiased, high-quality healthcare for women including access to safe, legal abortion. North Carolina Republicans have sponsored many bills that would limit a woman’s constitutional right to choose and I have voted against all that have come before the Senate.


Growing our economy means investing in our current and future workforce. Yet, Raleigh politicians continue to slash education funding, making it harder to recruit and attract new businesses. Sarah will work to reverse these reckless cuts to our schools. She knows that growing a strong workforce, recruiting new companies, and supporting small businesses means putting our tax dollars back into our local schools, universities and colleges. We also need to target resources in rural counties that are being left further behind. Sarah will work to make it easier to start and manage a small business by streamlining processes and reducing burdens on small businesses. Sarah will also reinforce smart investments that bring good jobs to North Carolina.

Protecting the Environment

North Carolinians deserve to have access to clean water and clean air and lawmakers who will protect our state’s natural heritage. Sarah will stand up to corporate polluters and politicians in Raleigh who allow polluters to pass the costs of clean-up to hard-working families. 


Sarah will also prioritize clean energy, which not only benefit our state’s environment and the health of our citizens, but also creates thousands of good jobs in North Carolina. Climate change is real and we need to make sure our coastal communities are prepared for the effects, there is too much at stake.

See the legislation that Sarah has introduced and co-sponsored in the NC General Assembly.
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